350-2100 cfm Dryers Chapter 6: Maintenance 51 of 58
In this level, parameters such as the type of
temperature sensor connected to the
regeneration monitor, Fahrenheit/centigrade
display, and display refresh cycle can be set.
moves from one parameter to the next.
When the desired parameter appears on the
LED display, press
to select that
parameter for programming. The current
value of the parameter is then displayed on
the LED display. Use
and to change
the setting. When you are satisfied with the new setting, press
to save the new setting to memory.
Sensor Input Type
The regeneration monitor is factory equipped with and configured to use a type K thermocouple. Type
R, S, J, L, T, U, E, and 1OO
W RTD’s can also be used. The factory setting is .
after appears on the LED display. Use to scroll through the available sensor
types. Then press to save the new setting to memory.
Scale Indication
The regeneration monitor can display the regeneration bleed air temperature in either Fahrenheit (°F,
the factory default) or Celsius (°C). The control is factory set to the scale indicated on the dryer at the
time of purchase.
after appears on the LED display. Use to toggle between the two choices.
Then press
to save the new setting to memory.
Display Refresh Cycle
The regeneration monitor’s display refresh speed can be set separately from the sampling speed.
after appears on the LED display. Use to toggle between the two choices:
(500 ms) or (2 seconds). Then press to save the new setting to memory. The
factory setting is
Note: Even if the display refresh speed is set to two seconds, the sampling times for the
setpoints still remains at 500 milliseconds.
Sensor Input Type
Scale Indication °C or °F
Display Refresh Cycle