350-2100 cfm Dryers Chapter 2: Functional Description 12 of 58
Chapter 2: Functional Description
2-1 Models Covered in This Manual
This manual provides operation, installation, and maintenance instructions for
WD/SDA/CDA 350, 425, 500, 600, 700, 850, 1000, 1250, 1500, 1800, and 2100 cfm large
dehumidifying dryers in both standard 300˚ F and 400˚ F high temperature “-RT” models.
Model numbers are listed on the serial tag. Make sure you know the model and serial number
of your equipment before contacting the manufacturer for parts or service.
2-2 General Description
Dehumidifying Dryers are designed to generate heated, dehumidified air at carefully
controlled temperatures for use in closed-loop plastic drying systems. Drying systems are
sized to meet the specific requirements stated by the purchaser at the time of purchase.
Moisture removal from hygroscopic (moisture attracting) plastic pellets is an essential step in
the manufacture of high-quality plastic products.
ACS dryers are used by the plastics industry to generate very low dewpoint air that is heated
to a controlled temperature for drying plastic pellets and regrind.
2-3 Typical Features and Components
1. Branch Fusing provides additional protection to the operator and the components on
the dryer's sub-panel.
2. Dewpoint Monitor indicates dryer efficiency
2-4 Optional Features
Options can tailor an ACS dryer to meet the exact requirements of the drying task being
• Dirty filter indicator to advise the operator when it's time to clean the filters.
• Water-cooled aftercooler for closed loop regeneration air cooling
• SMART PLC to combine PLC features and a "Plain English" interface. This option is
fully described in its own manual.
• Heater Burnout Indicator to monitor the heater(s) amp draw.
• Compressed air filter cleaning to lower maintenance on regrind/dusty material drying
• Auxiliary high temperature safety system to cut high voltage to the blowers and
heaters in the event of run-away process heaters.
• Seven day timer to allow programmable dryer start up.
• Communications to meet customer needs.
• Drying Hoppers come in many sizes and mounting configurations.
• Conveying Equipment to transport material to and from the drying system.
• Insulated Process Air Hose to minimize heat loss between the dryer and the drying