(c) up
(c) down
(c) up
(c) down
Setting up
Setting up
Install the projector according to the environment and manner the projector will be
used in.
Refer to the illustrations and tables below to determine screen size and projection distance.
The values shown in the table are calculated for a full size screen: 1024×768.
(a) Screen size (diagonal)
(b) Projection distance (±10%)
(c) Screen height (±10%)
On a horizontal surface
Suspended from the ceiling
• Keep a space of 30 cm or more
between the sides of the projector
and other objects such as walls.
• Consult with your dealer before
a special installation such as
suspending from a ceiling.
(a) Screen
4 : 3 screen 16 : 9 screen
(b) Projection distance (c) Screen height
(b) Projection distance (c) Screen height
min. max. down up
min. max. down up
inch m m inch
m inch cm inch
cm inch m inch
m inch cm inch cm inch
30 0.8 0.8 30
0.9 36
7 3
39 15
0.8 33 1.0 39
1 0 37 14
40 1.0 1.0 40 1.2 48 9 3 52 21 1.1 44 1.3 53 1 0 49 19
50 1.3 1.3 50 1.5 61 11 4 65 26 1.4 55 1.7 66 1 1 61 24
60 1.5 1.5 61 1.9 73 13
5 78 31 1.7 66 2.0 79 2 1 73 29
70 1.8 1.8 71 2.2 85 15 6 91 36 2.0 77 2.4 93 2 1 85 34
80 2.0 2.1 81 2.5 97 17 7 105 41 2.2 88 2.7 106 2 1 97 38
90 2.3 2.3 91 2.8 110 20 8 118 46 2.5 100 3.0 120 2 1 110 43
100 2.5 2.6 102 3.1 122 22 9 131 51 2.8 111 3.4 133 3 1 122 48
120 3.0 3.1 122 3.7 147 26 10 157 62 3.4 133 4.1 160 3 1 146 58
150 3.8 3.9 153 4.7 183 33 13 196 77 4.2 166 5.1 200 4 2 183 72
200 5.1 5.2 204 6.2 245 44 17 261 103 5.6 222 6.8 267 5 2 243 96
250 6.4 6.5 255 7.8 306
54 21
327 129
7.1 278 8.5 334
7 3 304 120
300 7.6 7.8 306 9.3 368 65 26 392 154 8.5 334 10.2 400 8 3 365 144