Once the required antenna height has been determined, other factors affecting
the precise position of the wireless bridge must be considered:
• Be sure there are no other radio antennas within 2 m (6 ft) of the wireless
• Place the wireless bridge away from power and telephone lines
• Avoid placing the wireless bridge too close to any metallic reflective surfaces,
such as roof-installed air-conditioning equipment, tinted windows, wire
fences, or water pipes
• The wireless bridge antennas at both ends of the link must be positioned
with the same polarization direction, either horizontal or vertical
Antenna Polarization — The wireless bridge’s integrated antenna sends a radio
signal that is polarized in a particular direction. The antenna’s receive sensitivity is
also higher for radio signals that have the same polarization. To maximize the
performance of the wireless link, both antennas must be set to the same
polarization direction. Ideally the antennas should be pointing upwards mounted
on the top part of a pole.