Using the Command Line Interface
System Management Commands
These commands are used to configure the user name, password, system logs,
browser management options, clock settings, and a variety of other system
Table 11 System Management Commands
This command configures the access point’s country code, which identifies the
country of operation and sets the authorized radio channels.
Command Function Mode Page
Country Setting
country Sets the access point country code Exec 6--13
Device Designation
prompt Customizes the command line prompt GC 6--15
system name Specifies the host name for the access point GC 6-16
snmp-server contact Sets the system contact string GC 6-46
snmp-server location Sets the system location string GC 6-47
Management Access
username Configures the user name for management access GC 6-16
password Specifies the password for management access GC 6-17
ip ssh-server enable Enables the Secure Shell server IC-E 6-17
ip ssh-server port Sets the Secure Shell port IC-E 6-18
ip telnet-server enable Enables the Telnet server IC-E 6-18
APmgmtIP Specifies an IP address or range of addresses allowed access
to the management interface
GC 6-23
APmgmtUI Enables or disables SNMP, Telnet or web management access GC 6-24
show APmanagement Shows the AP management configuration Exec 6-25
Web Server
ip http port Specifies the port to be used by the web browser interface GC 6-19
ip http server Allows the access point to be monitored or configured from
a browser
GC 6-19
ip https port Specifies the UDP port number used for a secure HTTP
connection to the access point’s Web interface
GC 6-20
ip https server Enables the secure HTTP server on the access point GC 6-21
web-redirect Enables web authentication of clients using a public access
Internet service
GC 6-22
System Status
show system Displays system information Exec 6-26
show version Displays version information for the system Exec 6-27
show config Displays detailed configuration information for the system Exec 6-27
show hardware Displays the access point’s hardware version Exec 6-32