4 - 2 Ethernet RMON MultiProbe Module Installation and Operation Guide
Troubleshooting Startup Problems
This section describes how to troubleshoot startup problems by monitoring
the Interface Status LEDs and the Module Status LED on the RMON
MultiProbe Module faceplate.
When you first install the RMON MultiProbe Module in the hub, the module
runs the following diagnostics:
❑ SRAM Data Bus
❑ SRAM Address Bus
The Interface Status LEDs display a pattern during the execution of each
diagnostic test. The patterns correspond to the test as indicated in
Table 4-1.
If the SRAM Data Bus or SRAM Address Bus diagnostics fail, the pattern of
the failed diagnostic remains on the Interface Status LEDs. If this occurs,
contact the 3Com Customer Service Center for corrective action.
Table 4-1. Diagnostic Tests and Interface Status LEDs
Interface 1
Status LED
Interface 2
Status LED
Interface 3
Status LED
SRAM Data Bus On Off Off
SRAM Address Bus Off On Off