Network Video Server User’s Manual
Seyeon Tech Co., Ltd
1) Go to Advance Service menu in the service configuration mode and select
Buffering Service option
2) Set up Pre alarm buffering configuration for FTP service
3) Set up FTP directory and file name option
4) Select the camera and set up FTP condition for each camera. Up to 3 different ftp
condition can be set up for each camera.
4.2.2 Periodic FTP service
Periodic FTP means that image will continuously be sent to FTP server when there is any
event. No pre/post alarm image will be sent to FTP server.
1) Go to Advance Service menu in the service configuration mode and select None
Buffering Service option
2) Set up FTP directory and file name option
3) Select the camera and set up FTP condition for each camera.
Example 1)
Let’s suppose that a Camera takes a image every 15min and sends it to FTP server
continuously. And the images are being accumulatively stored under the directory,
namely 'FlexWATCH', in the FTP server for one year.
(Before starting this configuration, you must create a cetain directory name in
the FTP server. The directory name ’FlexWATCH’ is only an example.)
Go to ‘Advanced Services –> Non-buffering Service -> FTP(Periodic)
-> Camera1 -> Condition1’ on the Admin menu.
- Select ‘Enable’ and ‘Always’, then click ‘Save’.
Go to ’Camera 1’ menu.
- Input 90000 units at ‘Delay between Images’ and click ‘Save’.
Go to ‘FTP (Periodic)’ menu. Please set up as below, then click ‘Save’.