Network Video Server User’s Manual
Seyeon Tech Co., Ltd
configuration in Advanced Service Server access through AOIP server
Once Server is registered in the AOIP server and DHCP is enabled, you can access the
server through AOIP server. IP address of server can be found from AOIP server as well.
In this case you do not need to configure e-mail address setting to get IP address from
the server.
Please contact your local vendor or manufacture to get more information about AOIP
server which is an IP gateway for Dynamic IP user.
2 PPPoE Configuration
Some DSL or Cable Modem based ISP provides PPPoE based internet connection service.
server must directly be connected to the external DSL or Cable modem,
PPPoE option must be enabled.
Note that you must open a way to get IP address information, since there is no way you
can get to know IP address of the server through web browser when the server is set to
PPPoE network. The only way you can get IP address is through e-mail or AOIP server.
Please refer to above DHCP client part to set up e-mail and AOIP connection.
Please contact your local ISP to get User ID and Password for your Internet
) Note