How do I remove the 3Com icon
from my system tray?
1 Double-click the 3Com icon to start the 3Com
NIC Diagnostics program.
2 In the right bottom corner of the main
window, click the Enable Tray Control check
box to remove the check mark.
3 Exit the program and the icon will not appear
How can I get a SCO driver? You can get the SCO driver from the 3Com
World Wide Web site.
1 Enter the 3Com URL:
2 Click Drivers.
3 Click Latest Drivers.
4 Download the required files.
■ 90XSCO3.EXE is for SCO Open Desktop.
■ 90xSCO5.EXE is for SCO Open Server.
How can I remove the
3C905B-TX PACE and
3NICDIAGS software?
1 In the Windows 95 Control Panel, select
Add/Remove Programs.
2 Select 3Com NIC Diagnostic Utilities.
3 Click Add/Remove.
The PACE and 3NICDIAGS software is removed
from your PC.
Does the 3C905B-TX NIC
support full-duplex?
Yes, the 3C905B-TX NIC supports full-duplex at
10 Mbps and 100 Mbps operation.
Why does the 3C905B-TX NIC
install as a “Generic PCI Ethernet
Controller” under Other Devices
in the Device Manager?
When Windows 95 is installed with the
3C905B-TX NIC already installed, Windows 95
installs the 3C905B-TX NIC as a generic PCI
Ethernet controller. To work around this problem,
follow these steps:
1 In the Device Manager, double-click
Other Devices.
2 Click PCI Ethernet Controller.
3 Click Remove.
4 Restart your PC.
Does the 3C905B-TX NIC support
Windows NT version 3.51 on the
DEC Alpha PC?
No, the 3C905B-TX NIC network driver only
supports Windows NT 4.0.
Table 4-2 Frequently Asked Questions (continued)
Question Answer
Book Page 16 Thursday, April 2, 1998 9:28 AM