2 Verify the driver version.
The driver must be at least version 2.23.40.
a Click Properties.
b Click the Version tab.
c Check the EL90X.SYS driver version.
If the version is lower than 3.1, download an updated
version of the driver from the 3Com Web site:
3 If the version of the driver is up to date, the keywords
are enabled, and the PC still does not wake up, check
the BIOS.
a Boot the PC and enter the BIOS.
b Locate the Wake-Up on PME signal or Wake-Up on LAN
event setting.
c Verify that the setting is enabled.
If you experience difficulties locating these settings,
consult the reference manual for your PC, or contact
your PC vendor.
4 Remove the PC cover and check the Remote Wake-Up
Verify that the Remote Wake-Up cable is plugged in to the
NIC as well as to the motherboard. Unplug and reinsert the
cable if necessary.
5 If the NIC still does not wake up, install a known
good working Remote Wake-Up NIC and the Remote
Wake-Up cable in the PC and recheck the PC.
If the PC works, contact your network vendor for a
replacement of the 3Com NIC. After you verify with a
known good working NIC that the PC still does not
wake up, there may be a problem with the motherboard.
Contact your PC vendor.
3Com DOS Diagnostic Program
For information about running the 3Com DOS diagnostic
program, see the INSTRUCT.TXT text file in the HELP
directory on EtherDisk Diskette #1.
Book Page 12 Thursday, April 2, 1998 9:28 AM