Installation Troubleshooting Messages 89
The bridge/router is not responding to SNMP set requests. Ensure that the
SNMP service is configured on the bridge/router and that you have read
and write access via SNMP. Also check the values of the community strings
in the /etc/snmp.cfg file. They should match the bridge/router’s SNMP
community strings.
Meaning: The bcmdiagnose utility has attempted to verify whether the
bridge/router specified by the <IP address> value has been configured.
Action: Configure the SNMP server on your bridge/router to allow write
access to your network management station. See the Network
Management chapter in Using NETBuilder Family Software.
SNMP read access OK
Meaning: There is no problem with SNMP configuration on the bridge/router.
Action: None.
Testing SNMP write access
Meaning: This is an introductory message. Check to see if SNMP Service is active
on the bridge router.
Action: None.
SNMP write access OK
Meaning: There is no problem with SNMP configuration on the bridge/router.
Action: None.
Testing the NMS/ TFTP
Creating an Upgrade File
Testing file transfers using TFTP
Meaning: This is an introductory message displayed as the bcmdiagnose utility
begins its test.
Action: None.
The TFTP safe directory is <tftpboot_dir>. Make sure that the TFTP safe dir
Meaning: The TFTP safe directory is the root directory under which the utilities
will store your bridge/router files.
Action: Check that your TFTP safe directory exists.
The directory <tftpboot_dir> does not exist. Create <tftpboot_dir> with
full read/write/create file permissions. Make sure that this directory has
the proper file access permissions and is being used by the TFTP server.
Meaning: The bcmdiagnose utility has attempted to create a test file using the
TFTP safe directory and has failed.
Action: Assign full read/write/create file access permissions to the TFTP
Creating "test3.com"
Meaning: This information message is displayed while the UNIX copy command
tries to create the test file.
Action: None.
Could not remove "test3.com". Check that <tftpboot_dir> and
subdirectories have full read/write/create file permissions
Meaning: The UNIX remove command could not delete the test file.
Action: Assign full read/write/create file access permissions to the directories.