Upgrading Software Only 41
■ ccsmacro — file that contains predefined user macros.
■ fpupdate.29k (CEC Only) — file that updates the CEC module firmware.
You may also have several configuration files that will be upgraded by the utilities.
SuperStack II NETBuilder and OfficeConnect NETBuilder Bridge/Routers
boot.68k — image file that boots the system.
■ sys — file that may be used during the upgrade process to determine the
source or target software version.
You may also have several configuration files that will be upgraded by the utilities.
PathBuilder S5xx Series Switch
boot.ppc — image file that boots the system.
■ sys — file that may be used during the upgrade process to determine the
source or target software version.
Upgrading Software
This section describes how to upgrade the software on your existing hardware
using either automatic or manual recovery. If you are upgrading or replacing your
bridge/router, switch or main processor module (NETBuilder II), follow the
procedure in “Upgrading Hardware and Software” on page 44.
Automatic Recovery This section describes how to perform an upgrade of the Enterprise OS software
that does not include a hardware upgrade. See Chapter 3 for the memory
requirements for automatic recovery.
Whenever you specify an option with bcmsysupgrade, you must repeat that
option for all steps in the procedure. See Table 4 on page 40 or “bcmsysupgrade”
on page 81 for a list of the options available to use with the bcmsysupgrade utility.
To upgrade the bridge/router software to the default version, follow these steps:
1 Back up your current software to the NMS using:
bcmsysupgrade [options] -s:from_nb <device>
where [-options] lets you specify the -EncryptionLicenseRead flag that indicates
you have read and understand the encryption license agreement notice and
<device> is the IP address or hostname of the bridge/router you are upgrading.
CAUTION: When upgrading to a package containing encryption, you must specify
the -EncyrptionLicenseRead option flag. If you attempt to upgrade to an
encrypted package and you have not specified the -EncryptionLicenseRead option,
the upgrade will fail.
The bcmsysupgrade utility only backs up the files in the primary boot source. To
archive both the primary and secondary boot sources, use bcmbackup instead of
bcmsysupgrade. See “bcmbackup” on page 73 for more information.
2 NETBuilder II with CEC only — (The CEC module is not supported in software
version 11.3. However, you can use the utilities to upgrade your CEC module to
software version 10.1 or earlier.) If you are running CEC firmware versions 2.0 or
2.1, which are standard with NETBuilder II software versions 8.0, 8.1, and 8.2, you
must upgrade your CEC firmware before proceeding to the next step.