
Bridge Filters 1-25
Exclusion means that devices in the set cannot communicate out
of that port, and all other devices can. If the set is empty, all
devices can communicate out of that port.
The default host group is contained in all host-to-port filter sets
following an initialization. Sets default to inclusion. The
host-to-port default host represents all hosts except those defined
in the host-to-port filter sets. If you include device A in a
host-to-port set and delete the default host, then device A will
not be able to communicate through other ports unless you also
include device A in those ports' host-to-port filter sets.
Figure 1-23
illustrates a host-to-port filter example, and shows
four network segments connected by a bridge. The ports' filter
sets have been set up, allowing device F to communicate with
devices connected to port 1, device H to communicate with
devices connected to ports 1 and 3, and device C to communicate
with devices connected to port E. Every packet received by the
bridge has its destination address checked. If the destination
addresses appears in the source address list for that port, the
packet is forwarded.
Figure 1-23
Host-to-Port Filtering Example
In the example, the bridge will forward a packet from device H to
device A. However, for the bridge to forward a packet from
device A to device H, device A's address must be added to port
E's filter set.