
Bridge Filters 1-23
Filter Sets
filter set
is a group of devices that are allowed to communicate
with each other. The 4 Port Ethernet Bridge Module's default filter
sets let all hosts and ports communicate. If you want to restrict
communication, you must edit the default filter sets. Each custom
filter type has specific filter sets.
Host-to-Host Filtering
filter set is a group of devices that are allowed to
communicate through the bridge. There are 32 default
host-to-host filter sets for you to use. Use each filter set for a
specific group of devices, for example, if you have a set for each
department in your business, it is easier to manage your filtering.
31 host-to-host filter sets are defined as
(sets 2 to 32).
One host-to-host filter set is defined as
absolute exclusion
(set 1).
Devices that are members of an inclusion set can only
communicate with each other through the bridge.
The absolute exclusion set is a special set used for restricting
device communication. A device that is a member of that set is
prohibited from communicating through the bridge.
he default host group ensures that no host-to-host filtering
takes place before the inclusion filter sets are set up.
If you set up an inclusion set, you must remove the default host
group. If you empty an inclusion set, you must replace the default
host group.
The default host group must not be added to the absolute
exclusion set.