Problems Related to Setting Up 95
Clicking on Rules in the
Tree pane displays an
empty Display pane.
Note: After correct
installation the Default
Rule will always be
shown in the Display
The Active Directory component for 3Com
Network Access Manager has not been
installed on an Active Directory server in
the network domain.
Changes to the Active Directory schema
have not replicated to all Active Directory
servers in the domain.
Ensure the Active Directory component for
3Com Network Access Manager is
installed on one Active Directory server in
the domain.
If you have already installed the Active
directory component on an Active
Directory server in the domain, then you
may need to wait for the schema changes
to replicate to the other Active Directory
servers in the domain, this may take some
time. Alternatively, you can ‘force’
replication between Active Directory
servers, consult the Microsoft
documentation for further information.
Using the Network
Administrator user
interface, right-clicking
Users or Groups or
Computers in the Tree
pane and selecting
Properties does not
display a Network
Access tab.
The Current Rule
column in the Details
pane for Users, Group
or Computers, shows
“Not specified” for all
The Active Directory component for 3Com
Network Access Manager has either not
been installed on an Active Directory server
in the network domain, or else has not yet
replicated to all of the Active Directory
servers in the domain
If you have not installed the Active
Directory component for 3Com Network
Access Manager, then install the
component on one Active Directory server
in the domain. The schema changes made
by the component will be replicated to all
of the Active Directory servers in the
If you have already installed the Active
directory component on an Active
Directory server in the domain, then you
may need to wait for the schema changes
to replicate to the other Active Directory
servers in the domain. Alternatively, you
can ‘force’ replication between Active
Directory servers, consult the Microsoft
documentation for further information.
"Computer-name =
<unknown>” is logged
in the 3Com Network
Access Manager event
log following an
authentication attempt
from this computer.
This is probably due to the computer’s
MAC address not having been entered into
3Com Network Access Manager.
Follow the steps in “Entering MAC
Addresses For A Computer” in Chapter 3.
Table 14 Problems That May Be Encountered When Setting Up (continued)
Symptom Cause Remedy