
Using The Network Administrator User Interface 65
7 Click OK.
This completes displaying and changing the rules and MAC addresses
associated with a computer.
Creating A New Computer
To add a computer to the system, you will need to use a tool such as the
“Active Directory Users and Computers” administration tool. You cannot
add computers through 3Com Network Access Manager. Follow the
instructions given in the user documentation shipped with Microsoft
Active Directory.
Selecting Appropriate
Permissions For An
The rules that a Network Operator can apply, can be individually selected
for the operator. For example, one operator may be restricted to blocking
access for specific users, whereas another operator may be allowed to
move users between arbitrary groups.
Selecting the rules that an operator can apply, is achieved through the
securities permission of the rule, see step 7 of “Creating A New Rule”on
page 47. By selecting the name of the operator from the Group or User
name list and ticking the Allow box for both read and write, enables the
network operator to apply the rule. Not ticking the Allow box for read
and write permission will prevent the network operator from applying the
By using the permissions model, network administrators can decide who
is permitted to apply rules to users, groups and computers to control
network access. In some organizations it may not be appropriate to let
operators have this responsibility.
Security permissions on a rule do not affect the security permissions on
individual users. If a network operator does not have security permission
for particular individuals or groups, for example directors of a company,
then the operator will not be able to apply a rule to that user or group.