
Upgrading MSS 29
switch was restarted. For example, if the switch
booted from boot partition 1, copy the new image
into boot partition 0. To see boot partition informa-
tion, type the display boot command.
WX1200# save config
success: configuration saved.
WX1200# backup system tftp://
success: sent 28263 bytes in 0.324 seconds
[ 87231 bytes/sec]
WX1200# copy tftp://
success: received 10266629 bytes in 92.427
seconds [ 111078 bytes/sec]
WX1200# set boot partition boot1
success: Boot partition set to
boot1:wb042302.rel (
WX1200# display boot
Configured boot version:
Configured boot image:
Configured boot configuration:
Backup boot configuration: file:backup.cfg
Booted version:
Booted image:
Booted configuration:
Product model: WX1200
WX1200# reset system force
...... rebooting ......
Command Changes During Upgrade
The following table lists the commands that are dep-
recated in MSS Version 4.2, and their replacements.
During upgrade, MSS makes the following changes to
commands in 4.1 configuration files:
set radio-profile name wmm enable is changed
to set radio-profile name qos-mode wmm
set radio-profile name wmm disable is changed
to set radio-profile name qos-mode svp
set radio-profile name long-retry and set
radio-profile name short-retry are removed. The
retry counts are reset to their default values and must
be reconfigured manually, in the service profiles.
In addition, MSS automatically adds a new option,
encrypted, to set radius and set radius server com-
mands that use the key option. The encrypted option
encrypts the key string displayed in the configuration.
The option encrypts display of the string but does not
encrypt the actual string sent to RADIUS servers.
RADIUS servers still receive the string that was entered
with the set radius or set radius server command in
MSS Version 4.0.
To ensure that the command change is saved after you
upgrade, after you load the new image and restart the
4.1 Command 4.2 Command
set radio-profile wmm set radio-profile qos-mode
set radio-profile long-retry set service-profile long-retry
set radio-profile short-retry set service-profile short-retry