System Parameter Support 19
Network Parameter Supported Value
Forwarding database entries WX4400: 16383
WX2200: 16383
WX1200: 8192
WXR100: 8192
Statically configured VLANs 100
Virtual ports (sum of all statically con-
figured VLAN physical port member-
Spanning trees (STP/PVST+ instances) 64
ACLs and Location Policies ACEs per switch:
■ WX4400: 2308
■ WX2200: 2308
■ WX1200: 700
■ WXR100: 700
ACEs per ACL:
■ WX4400: 267
■ WX2200: 267
■ WX1200: 267
■ WXR100: 25
Location Policies per switch: 1
The Location Policy can have up to 150
IGMP streams 500
Replication of a stream on multiple
VLANs counts as a separate stream on
each VLAN.
Management Parameter Supported Value
Maximum instances of Wireless Switch
Manager (3WXM) simultaneously
managing a network
Telnet management sessions WX4400: 8
WX2200: 8
WX1200: 4
WXR100: 4
The maximum combined number of
management sessions for Telnet and
SSH together is 8, in any combination.
SSHv2 management sessions WX4400: 8
WX2200: 8
WX1200: 4
WXR100: 4
Telnet client sessions (client for remote
WX4400: 8
WX2200: 8
WX1200: 4
WXR100: 4
NTP servers 3
SNMP trap receivers 8
Syslog servers 4
RADIUS servers 100 configured on the switch
10 in a server group
4 server groups in a AAA rule
Client and Session Parameter Supported Value
Authenticated and associated clients
per radio
Clients who are authenticated but not
yet associated are included in the total.
Active clients per radio 50
Total number of active clients simulta-
neously sending or receiving data.
Wired authentication users per port 500