Updating Your System Software
Insert diskette #4 containing the LANplex software file into the disk drive
and extract the fourth part of the file using the following command:
tar xvf /dev/rfd0
Remove diskette #4 using the following command:
# eject
The following files should be in your /usr/lp6000R directory:
■ lp6000R01
■ lp6000R02
■ lp6000R03
■ restore_lpxR
10 Use the supplied script to decompress and restore the split file
lp6000R00, lp6000R01, lp6000R02, and lp6000R03).
# ./restore_lpxR
This procedure creates the uncompressed file lp6000R. See the README1
file for file size and checksum information.
Copying to the MS-DOS® Platform
The LANplex software for an MS-DOS system is distributed on three
diskettes. This software must be installed using either the Windows® 95 or
the Windows® NT operating system.
3Com recommends that you exit from all Windows programs before running
this Setup program.
Installing with Windows® 95. To copy software to an MS-DOS host
computer’s hard disk using Windows® 95, follow these instructions:
1 Insert diskette #1 containing the system software file into a disk drive. These
instructions assume drive a.
2 Click the Windows 95 START button and choose the Run command.
The Setup screen, with the system software name, and the Setup dialog box
are displayed.