3 At the command line in the Setup dialog box, enter a:setup and click OK.
A Welcome screen appears. You are prompted to continue or to cancel the
installation. To continue, click Next. To cancel the installation and exit the
Setup program, click Cancel.
You will be guided through the rest of the installation procedure by the
Install Shield Wizard.
This procedure creates a file folder called
lp6000r, which contains:
■ IMAGE folder
■ MIBS folder
■ README.text
Installing with Windows® NT. To copy software to an MS-DOS host
computer’s hard disk using Windows® NT, follow these instructions:
1 Insert diskette #1 containing the system software file into a disk drive. These
instructions assume drive a.
2 Choose Run from the File menu.
The Setup screen, with the system software name, and the Setup dialog box
are displayed.
3 At the command line in the Setup dialog box, enter
a:setup and click OK.
A Welcome screen appears. You are prompted to continue or to cancel the
installation. To continue, click Next. To cancel the installation and exit the
Setup program, click Cancel.
You are guided through the rest of the installation procedure by the Install
Shield Wizard.
This procedure creates a file folder called
lp6000r, which contains:
■ IMAGE folder
■ MIBS folder
■ README.text