I: S-R
Register Default Function
S10 7 Sets the duration, in tenths of a second, that the Business
Modem waits after loss of carrier before hanging up. This
guard time allows the Business Modem to distinguish
between a line hit, or other disturbance that momentarily
breaks the connection, from a true disconnect (hanging up)
by the remote device
S11 70 Sets the duration and spacing, in milliseconds, of dialed
S12 50 Sets the duration, in fiftieths of a second, of the guard time
for the escape code (+++) sequence.
S13 0 Bit-mapped register. See Chapter 1, Using the AT
Command Set, for instructions about how to set
bit-mapped registers.
Bit Value Result
0 1 Reset when DTR drops.
1 2 Reverse normal Auto Answer
operation: On incoming RING, enter
Originate Mode and look for an
answer tone.
2 4 Disable 250 ms pause before result
code display.
3 8 On DTR signal, autodial the number
stored in NVRAM at position 0.
4 16 At power-on/reset, autodial number
stored in NVRAM at position 0.
5 32 Disable HST
6 64 Disable MNP Level 3 (used for testing
Level 2).
7 128 Hardware reset (works like powering
off and then on).
S14 1 Bit-mapped register. (See Chapter 1, Using the AT
Command Set, for instructions about how to set
bit-mapped registers.)
Bit Value Result
0 1 Disconnect on escape code.
1 2 Send result codes only when
originating a call.