S-Registers: Their Functions and Default Settings
Register Default Function
S0 0 Sets the number of rings on which to answer in Auto
Answer mode. S0=0 disables Auto Answer. S0=1 enables
Auto Answer and the Business Modem answers on the first
S1 0 Counts and stores the number of rings from an incoming
S2 43 Stores the ASCII decimal code for the escape code
character. Default character is "+". A value of 128-255
disables the escape code.*
S3 13 Stores the ASCII decimal code for the Carriage Return
character. Valid range is 0*127.*
S4 10 Stores the ASCII decimal code for the Line Feed character.
Valid range is 0*127.*
S5 8 Stores the ASCII decimal code for the Backspace character.
A value of 128-255 disables the Backspace key's delete
S6 0 Sets the number of seconds the Business Modem waits for
a dial tone.
S7 60 Sets the number of seconds the Business Modem waits for
a carrier. May be set for much longer duration if, for
example, the Business Modem is originating an
international connection.
S8 2 Sets the duration, in seconds, for the pause (,) option in the
Dial command and the pause between command
reexecutions (> and A> commands).
S9 6 Sets the required duration, in tenths of a second, of the
remote device's carrier signal before recognition by the
Business Modem.