
Firewall 53
3 If required, check the RIP defect check box. This feature stops
unacknowledged packets from accumulating in the input queue.
Stateful Packet Inspection
4 The Stateful Packet Inspection section displays a list of traffic types. If you
leave the check box for a traffic type blank, this traffic type is blocked. If
you check the check box, the Router allows this type of incoming traffic,
but only if the connection was initiated from the local LAN.
For example, if you check only the FTP Service check box, all incoming
traffic is blocked except for FTP connections initiated from the local LAN.
Alert by E-mail
5 In the Your E-mail Address text box, enter the e-mail address you want
alerts to be sent in the event of a hacker attack.
6 Enter your SMTP Server Address.
7 Enter your SMTP Server User Name.
8 Enter your SMTP Server Password.
Connection Policy
9 In the Fragmentation half-open wait text box, enter the length of time, in
seconds, that you want an unassembled packet to remain active before
the Router drops it. The default is 10 seconds.
10 In the TCP SYN wait text box, enter the length of time, in seconds, that
you want the Router to wait for a TCP session to synchronize before it
drops the session. The default is 30 seconds.
11 In the TCP FIN wait text box, enter the length of time, in seconds, that
you want a TCP session to remain active after the Router detects a FIN
packet. The default is 5 seconds.
12 In the TCP connection idle timeout text box, enter the length of time, in
seconds, that you want a TCP session to remain active if there is no
activity. The default is 3600 seconds (1 hour).
13 In the UDP session idle timeout text box, enter the length of time, in
seconds, that you want a UDP session to remain active if there is no
activity. The default is 30 seconds.
14 In the H.323 data channel idle timeout text box, enter the length of time,
in seconds, that you want an H.323 session to remain active if there is no
activity. The default is 180 seconds.