
Subnet mask A subnet mask, which may be a part of the TCP/IP information provided
by your ISP, is a set of four numbers configured like an IP address. It is
used to create IP address numbers used only within a particular network
(as opposed to valid IP address numbers recognized by the Internet,
which must assigned by InterNIC).
Subnets A network that is a component of a larger network.
Switch A device that interconnects several LANs to form a single logical LAN that
comprises of several LAN segments. Switches are similar to bridges, in
that they connect LANs of a different type; however they connect more
LANs than a bridge and are generally more sophisticated.
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. This is the name for two
of the most well-known protocols developed for the interconnection of
networks. Originally a UNIX standard, TCP/IP is now supported on almost
all platforms, and is the protocol of the Internet.
TCP relates to the content of the data travelling through a network —
ensuring that the information sent arrives in one piece when it reaches its
destination. IP relates to the address of the end station to which data is
being sent, as well as the address of the destination network.
Traffic The movement of data packets on a network.
universal plug and
Universal plug and play is a system which allows compatible applications
to read some of their settings from the Router. This allows them to
automatically configure some, or all, of their settings and need less user
URL Filter A URL Filter is a feature of a firewall that allows it to stop its clients form
browsing inappropriate Web sites.
VPN Virtual Private Network. A VPN is a private network where the data is
passed across a public network infrastructure such as the Internet. The
data is kept private by using encryption.