
cir rate: Committed information rate.
cbs size: Burst size in the range of 15000 to 155000000 bits. By default, it is equal to
half of cir rate.
ebs size: Excessive burst size in the range of 0 to 155000000 bits. By default, it is 0.
queue-length length: Queue length in the range of 1 to 1024. By default, it is 50.
Using the gts command, you can configure traffic shaping for a class. Using the undo
gts command, you can delete traffic shaping for a class.
The policy configured with gts can only be applied to the output direction of an
Applying a policy configured with gts on an interface will cause the previously
configured qos gts command ineffective.
If this command is frequently configured on classes of the same policy, the last
configuration will overwrite the previous ones.
For the related command, see qos policy, qos-class.
Configure GTS for a class with the specific features as follows: the normal traffic is
38400bit/s; the burst traffic twice normal traffic can pass initially; the traffic no larger
than 38400bit/s can be transmitted normally under normal conditions and that larger
than 38400bit/s enters queue buffer lately; the buffer queue length is 100.
[3Com] qos policy 3Com
[3Com-qospolicy-3Com] qos-class database
[3Com-qospolicy-c-3Com database] gts cir 38400 cbs 76800 ebs 0 queue-length
1.10 if-match acl
if-match [ logic-not ] acl acl-number
undo if-match [ logic-not ] acl acl-number
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2