Policy-class view
bandwidth: Bandwidth in kbit/s in the range of 8 to 1000000.
size: Specify the allowed burst size in byte in the range of 32 to 2000000. By default,
it is bandwidth * 25.
Using the ef command, you can configure certain class to perform
expedited-forwarding to send the packets of this class into priority queue and
configure its maximum bandwidth. Using the undo ef command, you can remove the
The command can not be used together with queue af, queue-length and wred in
class view.
This command is unavailable for default-class.
For the related command, see qos policy, qos-class.
Configure the packets of this class to enter the priority queue, the maximum
bandwidth as 200kbit/s and the default burst size as 5000 bytes.
[3Com] qos policy 3Com
[3Com-qospolicy-3Com] qos-class database
[3Com-qospolicy-c-3Com database] ef bandwidth 200 cbs 5000
1.9 gts
gts cir rate [ cbs size [ ebs size [ queue-length length ] ] ]
undo gts
Policy-class view
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2