Projector Installation Notice
¾ Place the projector in a horizontal position
The tilt angle of the projector should not exceed 15 degrees, nor should the projector be in-
stalled in any way other than the desktop and ceiling mount, otherwise lamp life could decrease
dramatically, and may lead to other unpredictable damages.
¾ Allow at least 50 cm clearance around the exhaust vent.
¾ Ensure that the intake vents do not recycle hot air from the exhaust vent.
¾ When operating the projector in an enclosed space, ensure that the surrounding air temperature
within the enclosure does not exceed operation temperaturewhile the projector is running, and the
air intake and exhaust vents are unobstructed.
¾ All enclosures should pass a certified thermal evaluation to ensure that the projector does not
recycle exhaust air, as this may cause the device to shutdown even if the enclosure temperature is
with the acceptable operation temperature range.
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