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Installation<;'jii~ ,'. .
Rechargeable Batteries
The UgC )OOXLT comes with a rechargeable NiCad battery pack. When fuJly
charged th)s power supply will provide up to 5 hours of dependable use. To instaJl
the battery pack. simply slide it on to the bon:om of the scanner.
When the ban:eries become Iow. simply plug the AC Adaptor/Charger inr:o the
jack on the rear of the ban:ery pack and cnarge overnighr. It is important to
perIodically allow (he ban:eries to discharge completely to maintain full operatIng
capability. See the Ban:ery MaIntenance secrion of thIs guide.
WARNING: Turn the ON/OFF. Volume swltCtl OFF before attaching or
detaching the ban:ery pack.
To remove the batTery pack from the unIt. sImply slide It to the left.
WARNING: 00 not allow the terminals of the battery pack [0 be shorted. Fire or
serious Injury may result. 00 not place the oaCtery pack Inyour pocker: where keys
or other metal object, ere.. may short out the baC!erycermlnaJs.
Flexible Antenna Installation
The UGC 1OOXLTIncludes a flexIbleancenna for nand ne!d use I~utthe antenna
onr:o the BNC connector on the cop of the scanner and turn the antenna
connecror clockwIse 1/4 turn co loc:<It on. Under normal conditIons thIs antenna
should provIde excellent recepLIon. However. facrors such as locatIon wIthin your
home. and proXJmlcy (0 elecrncal apo/iances may determine receptIon qualicy. For
weak sIgnal receptIon or e!ecrrrcaJly noISYlocatIons, an external antenna may be
helpful. A matIng plug (optIonal) may be reqUIred to connecr an e.xrernal antenna.
AC Adapter
The UgC 1OOXLTcan be powered by [he AC Adapcar Included wIth the scanner
whIch convertS standard household current CO 13.8V DC Plug the small
connector of [he AC Adaptor Into the jack In the back of [he radio marked DC
)3,8V Plug [he Other end Inca any standard 220 V AC household outlet.
Note: Pfease be sure to use only model 818FJ.124 AC Adapcar/charger, or [he
mode! PS-GO1 CigareCte lighter adapter (optIonal), as hIgher voltage, or re'/erl,e
polarrcy may damage your unit.
Memory Backup
Frequenc;es maln(alned in [he U8C IOOXLT memoryare protecr:edfromloss by a
built-In capaClror whIch protecr.s [he memory for up to 30 minutes when you are
replacmg [he batterIes.