Manual memory presetting
To listen to preset broadcast stations
5 db rlm]W
24 15
660 _
" _'Press'TuNERI .................
BANV Press BAND to select "FM"
L_ I
[ 3 i Set to the desirod br0adcast. ............
(FOllow steps 3 and 4 on page 12 or step 3 on page
You can also set the stereo mode to the monaural
.... M'E""MORY..... Press M E M0 RY m0mentari.
K"TZsTE,EOII I! I /.__1
FM I /._1 /, __1 ,.,
To cancel the memory function, press
MEMORY again.
_._l-Tl-_-_............... Specify ihe desi;ed channei
_to be preset using the
numeric button(s) (com-
pletes presetting).
(Example: Channel 12)
[] (Within 2 sec.) _ []
I /._1 I\l_/
/_ I I I/1\
Off Preset channel
,._1_. I
r'_ "---'= I._ III-- I_I II_I--I
To continue presetting
Repeat steps 2 through 5.
_-_--_E_I I 6(3. i
_1::_::___i_ .....................
5 d-o[ -I='1 I_'1-1 Q-
'L___J _'
2 1
[ ";"Tu"E":.................
I__ ........ SpecifY ihe preset channel
_JI11213 I\9_L__gJusing the numeric button(s).
(Example: Channel 12)
[] =%
(Within 2 sec.)
I-- I I I \_/
L t-I I/1_
I 1 I I I
L t_ IIZ
•OCK S_.EO // // / /._/
I LI I. _1 ,,,
To confirm the channel number of the broadcast
station being received
Press TUNER.
(The channel number will be displayed for about one second.)
The channel number is not displayed if you change the reception
frequency or FM mode setting.
For your reference:
Even it the power is switched to the standby condition or the
power cord is disconnected from the household AC outlet, the
contents of the memory will continue to be stored for approx-
imately one month.
If frequency presettlngs are accidentally erased
Make the frequency presettings once again.
The power cord should remain connected for one hour or more
for the memory back-up to be effective.