FlexPhones Master Installation and Operation Manual
DIM jumper configuration
Removing either or both of the Dim jumpers mutes the program audio dur-
ing a talkback session, while inserting either or both will dim the program audio
approximately 20db below normal program levels. Use the table below along with
the jumper layout sheet in the appendix to properly configure. Factory defaults have
these jumpers installed.
Right ear talkback enable jumper:
In a talkback session, talkback audio is always feed into the left ear. Placing
a jumper over the desired header will enable talkback audio in the right ear. Use the
table below along with the jumper layout sheet in the appendix to properly config-
ure. Factory default has these jumpers installed.
Function Chnl 1 Chnl 2 Chnl 3 Chnl 4 Chnl 5 Chnl 6
LT Dim JP5 JP8 JP11 JP14 JP17 JP20
RT Dim JP6 JP9 JP12 JP15 JP18 JP21
RT T/B Enable JP7 JP10 JP13 JP16 JP19 JP22
Auxiliary Remote/Local jumper set-up
We provide the wire attached to pin 5 of each RJ45 for use by the
user. The wire terminates on a three-position header. The header is labeled JPxx.
The factory default is set to Remote. Use the table below along with the jumper lay-
out sheet in the appendix to properly configure.
Function RMT 1 RMT 2 RMT 3 RMT 4 RMT 5 RMT 6
JP24 JP26 JP28 JP30 JP32 JP34
Remote 1 & 2 1 & 2 1 & 2 1 & 2 1 & 2 1 & 2
Local 2 & 3 2 & 3 2 & 3 2 & 3 2 & 3 2 & 3
Remote Control input jumper set-up
Each optically isolated input is equipped with a four-position header.
The header is labeled JPxx. The factory default is set for a DRY (5 vdc source) input
(switch, contact, open collector) with a jumper between 1 & 2 and another jumper
over 3 & 4. To change the input to WET (user supplied voltage between 5 and
24vdc), remove both jumpers and place ONE jumper over pins 2 & 3. Use the table
below along with the jumper layout sheet in the appendix to properly configure.
! NOTE: Refer to the schematic diagram for the proper polarity when attaching
equipment to each input.
Function RMT 1 RMT 2 RMT 3 RMT 4 RMT 5 RMT 6 All-Call
JP23 JP25 JP27 JP29 JP31 JP33 JP35
A = Anode A = Anode A = Anode A = Anode A = Anode A = Anode A = Anode
2 & 3 B = Cath B = Cath B = Cath B = Cath B = Cath B = Cath B = Cath
Dry A = Gnd A = Gnd A = Gnd A = Gnd A = Gnd A = Gnd A = Gnd
1 & 2 / 3 & 4 B = Cath B = Cath B = Cath B = Cath B = Cath B = Cath B = Cath
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