
FlexPhones Master Installation and Operation Manual
Please examine your FlexPhones Master and/or AHR-1 carefully for any
damage that may have been sustained during shipping. If any is noted, please noti-
fy the shipper immediately and retain the packaging for inspection by the shipper.
The package should contain the FlexPhones Master, 16vac@600ma wall power
transformer, two CAT5 cables and this manual.
Installation of the FlexPhones Master in high RF environments should be
performed with care. Shielded cable is suggested for all audio connections.
All shields should be tied to the EGND terminals. The station ground should
be connected to the chassis ground screw located on the far right side of the
FlexPhones Master as viewed from the rear. It is recommended that all cables con-
nected to the FlexPhones Master be looped through ferrite cores to suppress RF.
Surge protection with RF filtering is also suggested for the wall transformer. The
purchase of an inexpensive UPS will provide back up in case of power outages.
Connections are via plug-in euroblock connectors and RJ45 connectors.
Remove the connector from the header; remove about 1/8” of insulation from each
wire. Insert the wire into the desired terminal and then tighten the screw. Be sure
no bare wires are exposed. Reinstall the connectors.
Stereo Program Input
Normal program audio should be connected to the + and - inputs for balanced oper-
ation, or to the + input and grounding the - side for unbalanced input operation on
TB1 (bottom). Audio levels should be between -15 and +4dBu.
Talkback Audio Input
Mic or line level audio should be connected to the + and - inputs for balanced oper-
ation, or to the + input and grounding the - side for unbalanced input operation on
either TB1 (top) or the front panel XLR connector. Audio levels should be between
–60 and –30dBu in MIC position or –15 and +4dBu in LINE position. JP1 and JP2
are used to set the talkback input for either MIC or LINE levels. Follow the jumper
layout in the appendix to set these two jumpers to the desired position. The factory
default is set to MIC.
Talkback Audio Output
The unbalanced output can be used to feed additional FlexPhones Master
talkback inputs. Connections to TB1 (top) can be made to the + output and ground
for unbalanced output operation.
For proper installation,
follow the silkscreen
labels on the rear
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