Specifi cations
Amplifi er Output
1,500 Watts rms (4.6 Ω impedance)
High Cut Filter
30 Hz - 100 Hz adjustable. The
crossover can be bypassed by rotating
the crossover fre quen cy control fully
Frequency Re sponse
22 Hz - 100 Hz
Power Line Voltage
AC 120 V/60 Hz
9" x 9" x 9"
29 lbs
Black anodized control plate, and dark
rosewood lacquer cabinet.
Line Power Con sump tion:
300 W average, 22 Hz to 100 Hz, at
ab so lute maximum continuous output.
1200 W peak, time limited basis
Output Levels:
Greater than 108 dB peak SPL (includes
room gain) from 25 Hz to 90 Hz
A typical Sunfi re subwoofer can be
ex pect ed to ‘best’ its specifi ed minimum
peak SPL by several decibels.
Input Sensitivity for Full
Out put:
240 mVrms from left input with volume
control at 0 dB, 90 mVrms with volume
control fully clockwise
0.48 Vrms from right input with volume
control at 0 dB, 180 mVrms with volume
control fully clockwise
Input Impedance:
30 KΩ for Line-Level inputs
5.6 KΩ for Speaker-Level inputs
Extra large magnet and long throw
me chan i cal design yield very high
back-emf. The result is extraordinarily
high operating effi ciency – that is, more
acoustic output for each watt of input.
Internal System Gain:
42 dB from left input jack to speaker with
the Bass Level control at 0 dB, 54 dB
with the control fully clockwise
36 dB from right input jack to speaker
with the Bass Level control at 0 dB,
48 dB with the control fully clockwise
The Sunfi re True Sub woof er utilizes
differential gain on the left and right
inputs to retain both L+R and L-R
© 2006 Sunfi re Corporation.
All rights reserved. Sunfi re Corporation
re serves the right to improve its products
at any time. Therefore, specifi cations are
subject to change without notice.
Manual part number 913-124-00 Rev D