If you are using a re-
ceiver which does not have
a sub woof er output or line
level outputs (pre-outs), you
can connect its speak er
outputs to the subwoofer’s
speaker-level inputs. The
front speak ers can still be
con nect ed to your receiver.
The subwoofer’s internal
amplifi er supplies the power
to reproduce the low fre-
quen cy range. It receives a
sample of the signal going
to your front speakers. (An
in sig nifi cant fraction of your
receiver’s power is trans-
ferred to the subwoofer).
There is no need to use
the speaker-level inputs if
you are using a sep a rate
am pli fi er and pream pli fi er.
Such systems are best
con nect ed using the line-
level inputs as shown in the
pre vi ous diagrams.
If you are using the
line-level inputs and there is a excessive
amount of noise or hum present, using
the speaker-level inputs may yield a
lower background noise level.
Your receiver MUST have com mon
grounded outputs, or it will be dam-
aged if con nect ed to the sub woof -
er’s speaker-level inputs.
Using the speaker-level inputs