The Mid filter covers a frequency range of 140 Hz to 3.5 kHz (Frequency
control). The frequency range of the Mid filter reaching down to 140 Hz
offers a problem-free access to sounds in this range.This means that a snare
which operates often around 160 Hz can be processed with the Mid filter,
leaving the Low filter free for other instruments.
The maximum cut and boost (Cut/Boost control) of the selected frequency
is +/- 15 dB.
The Q factor can be varied from 0.5 to 5Q with the Bandwidth control. A
lower Q factor relates to a larger bandwidth at the selected frequency
whereas a larger Q factor defines a smaller bandwidth.
Please read the information about proportional-Q principle of the filter and
the recommendation of setting of bandwidth on page 8.
The High filter spans the frequency range from 940 Hz to 24kHz
(Frequency control). The High filter is utilized in the first place for narrow
band corrections, whether to eliminate interference frequencies (e.g. pilot
reference) or to accentuate certain frequencies. The combination of High
and Air band offers excellent possibilities for the processing of the high
frequencies, thereby permitting the High filter for example to be used for
precise adjustments while the Air filter is providing a silky top end.
The maximum boost or cut (Cut/Boost control) of the selected frequency is
+/- 15 dB.
The Q factor can be varied from 0.5 to 5Q with the Bandwidth control. A
lower Q factor relates to a larger bandwidth at the selected frequency
whereas a larger Q factor defines a smaller bandwidth.
Please read the information about proportional-Q principle of the filter and
the recommendation of setting of bandwidth on page 8.