Southwing 5 Bluetooth Wireless Headset Headphones User Manual

Overview—Docking station What is Bluetooth
Bluetooth is a short-range cord replacement tech-
nology that allows the seamless interconnection of
many different devices such as mobile phones,
portable computing devices, and mobile phone
headsets without the complication of cables.
Industry collaboration has meant that Bluetooth has
become a highly interoperable, affordable, and widely
deployed wireless connectivity standard.
What do I need?
As this Bluetooth Headset is a qualified Bluetooth
product supporting the Bluetooth Headset profile, it
can connect to any other qualified Bluetooth product
supporting the same profile. Today, nearly every
mobile phone with integrated Bluetooth supports this
As a Bluetooth mobile phone will most commonly
be used with your Bluetooth Headset, references to a
mobile phone are used throughout this User Guide.
9 DC Power
8 Headset
Headset Charging 7