SHA1 • 14
usually indicating the negative (-) terminal of the component.
You will notice on the parts layout diagram that the hole for the
positive terminal is denoted, not the negative one. You will
want to install this component with the positive (+) lead in the
same orientation as shown in the parts layout diagram. If you
do not install it correctly, you will end up with all sorts of
problems in the circuit.
23. Install C3, a 220uF electrolytic capacitor. Again pay close
attention to the orientation of this component!
24. Install C7, another 220uF electrolytic capacitor. Again note
the orientation.
25. Install C6, a 10uF electrolytic capacitor. Orientation!
26. Install C1, the remaining 10uF electrolytic capacitor.
27. Install J3, the 1/4” earphone jack. Make sure all the pins
are soldered for good mechanical stability.
28. Install J1, one of the RCA type jacks.
29. Install J2, the other RCA type jack.
30. Install S1, a DPDT switch. Make sure the part is mounted
flush to the board before soldering all six pins.
31. Install S2, the other DPDT switch.
32. Install R3, one of the 10K ohm potentiometers.
33. Install R6, the other 10K ohm potentiometer.
34. Using a scrap piece of component lead, make a jumper
that mounts through the holes where the battery is to be
mounted. Thread the jumper through the metal 9V battery
holder and then solder the jumper to mount the clip to the PC