
Great Britain
Set playlist
Create a playlist containing the order in which to play up to 20 tracks from
the current CD. To create a playlist:
1. Turn the TUNE/SELECT dial and push to set the first track on your
2. Repeat until you have completed your playlist and select OK or press
the bottom right shortcut button (OK) to set your playlist and exit. This
automatically sets the Play mode to [LIST].
You see the playlist icon (
Alternatively press the left middle shortcut button (Clear) to delete the
current playlist order or bottom left shortcut button (Cancel) to exit the
screen without saving any changes made
Your playlist is now set and if you play your CD it plays the tracks you
specified in the order you specified.
The playlist remains available for as long as the CD inserted. If you eject the
CD or change the CD the playlist you created is no longer available.