8-2 8-2
Dismantling of Tray
Service hints
1. Open the tray and release 2 catches as
shown in fig. 2
2. Pull tray out.
Assembling of Tray
1. Check if slider is on the right side → see
picture below.
2. If necessary - move slider to the right end
position first.
3. Insert the Tray.
Laser Power Control & HF Amplifier (ADALAS) TZA1024/TZA1025
Pin Name Direction Description
1 LD HF-preamp → CD-drive current output to laser diode
2 VCCL +5V laser supply voltage
3 CFIL → HF-preamp external filter capacitor
4 MON CD-drive → HF-preamp laser monitor diode input
5 DIN CD-drive → HF-preamp central diode input
6 GND GND ground
7 PWRON CD10 → HF-preamp power-on select input
8 CMFB VrefCD10 (+3,3V / 2) common mode feedback voltage input
9 RFFB → HF-preamp external RF feedback resistor
10 RFEQO HF-preamp → RF amplifier output
11 CDRW CD10 → HF-preamp gain select input for CDDA/CDRW
12 EQSEL CD10 → HF-preamp equalizer/speed select input
13 VCC2 +3,3V supply voltage
14 RGADJ GND external laser supply gain adjust resistor
Pin Name Direction Description
1 HFREF → CD10 comparator common mode input
2 HFIN → CD10 comparator signal input
3 ISLICE CD10 → current feedback from data slicer
4 VSSA1 GND analog ground 1
5 VDDA1 +3,3V analog supply voltage 1
6 IREF CD10 → reference current output pin
7 VRIN CD10 → reference voltage for servo ADC’s
8 D1 CD-drive → CD10 unipolar current input (central diode signal input)
9 D2 CD-drive → CD10 unipolar current input (central diode signal input)
10 D3 CD-drive → CD10 unipolar current input (central diode signal input)
11 D4 CD-drive → CD10 unipolar current input (central diode signal input)
12 R1 CD-drive → CD10 unipolar current input (satellite diode signal input)
13 R2 CD-drive → CD10 unipolar current input (satellite diode signal input)
14 VSSA2 GND analog ground 2
15 CROUT CD10 → X-TAL crystal/resonator output
16 CRIN X-TAL → CD10 crystal/resonator input
17 VDDA2 +3,3V analog supply voltage 2
18 LN CD10 → DAC left channel differential output - negative
19 LP CD10 → DAC left channel differential output - positive
20 VNEG GND DAC negative reference input
21 VPOS +3,3V DAC positive reference input
22 RN CD10 → DAC right channel differential output - negative
23 RP CD10 → DAC right channel differential output - positive
24 SELPLL CD10 → selects whether internal clock multiplier PLL is used
25 TEST1 GND test control input 1; this pin should be tied low
26 CL16 CD10 → NPC 16.9344 MHz system clock output
27 DATA CD10 → NPC serial data output (3-state)
28 WCLK CD10 → NPC word clock output (3-state)
29 SCLK CD10 → NPC serial bit clock output (3-state)
30 EF CD10 → NPC C2 error flag output (3-state)
31 TEST2 GND test control input 2; this pin should be tied low
32 KILL CD10 → Mute control kill output (programmable; open-drain)
33 VSSD1 GND digital ground 2
34 V2/V3 CD10 → NPC versatile I/O: input versatile pin 2 or output versatile pin 3 (open-drain)
35 WCLI NPC → CD10 word clock input (for data loopback to DAC)
36 SDI NPC → CD10 serial data input (for data loopback to DAC)
37 SCLI NPC → CD10 serial bit clock input (for data loopback to DAC)
38 RESETn µP → CD10 power-on reset input (active low)
39 SDA µP ↔ CD10 microcontroller interface data I/O line (open-drain output)
40 SCL µP → CD10 microcontroller interface clock line input
41 RAB µP → CD10 microcontroller interface R/W and load control line input (4-wire bus mode)
42 SILD µP → CD10 microcontroller interface R/W and load control line input (4-wire bus mode)
43 STATUS CD10 → servo interrupt request line/decoder status register output (open-drain)
44 TEST3 GND test control input 3; this pin should be tied low
45 RCK → CD10 subcode clock input
46 SUB CD10 → P-to-W subcode bits output (3-state)
47 SFSY CD10 → µP subcode frame sync output (3-state)
48 SBSY CD10 → NPC subcode block sync output (3-state)
49 CL11/4 CD10 → 11.2896 MHz or 4.2336 MHz (for microcontroller) clock output
50 VSSD2 GND digital ground 3
51 DOBM CD10 → bi-phase mark output (externally buffered; 3-state)
52 VDDD1P +3,3V digital supply voltage 2 for periphery
53 CFLG CD10 → correction flag output (open-drain)
54 RA CD10 → servo driver radial actuator output
55 FO CD10 → servo driver focus actuator output
56 SL CD10 → servo driver slide control output
57 VDDD2C +3,3V digital supply voltage 3 for core
58 VSSD3 GND digital ground 4
59 MOTO1 CD10 → servo driver motor output 1; versatile (3-state)
60 MOTO2 CD10 → motor output 2; versatile (3-state)
61 V4 CD10 → HF-preamp versatile output pin 4
62 V5 CD10 → HF-preamp versatile output pin 5
63 V1 innerswitch → CD10 versatile input pin 1
64 LDON CD10 → HF-preamp laser drive on output (open-drain)