Powered Subwoofer
Thank you for purchasing the Impulse
115P‚ the powered version of the Impulse 115. The Impulse 115P is designed‚ from
start to finish‚ with flexibility in mind. This Impulse delivers a whopping 1500 watts of peak dynamic power to the sub
and another 750 Watts of peak dynamic power to to the left or right speaker outputs—enough power to shake your teeth
loose! Use the Impulse 115P strictly as a powered subwoofer‚ with built-in electronic crossover filtering and a high-pass
line level output or simultaneously drive a pair of full-range passive speakers from the Left and Right power output jacks.
Add Peavey’s patented DDT
compression‚ the awarding-winning
and a super high-powered Low Rider
woofer and you have one of the most powerful and flexible subwoofers on the planet.
·· ppoowweerreedd ssyysstteemm wwiitthh 11000000 WWaattttss ooff ccoonnttiinnuuoouuss ppoowweerr aanndd 11550000 WWaattttss ooff ppeeaakk ddyynnaammiicc ppoowweerr
·· EExxttrraa hhiigghh--ppoowweerreedd 1155"" LLooww RRiiddeerr
bbaassss wwooooffeerr
·· PPeeaakk SSPPLL iinn eexxcceessss ooff 112288 ddBB
·· kkoossmmooss
ssuubb--hhaarrmmoonniicc ggeenneerraattoorr ssyysstteemm wwiitthh bbyyppaassss sswwiittcchh
·· ssttaanndd--aalloonnee‚‚ eelleeccttrroonniicc 22--wwaayy oorr 33--cchhaannnneell ooppeerraattiioonn
·· lleefftt && rriigghhtt ppoowweerr aammpp oouuttppuuttss wwiitthh hhiigghh--ppaassss ccrroossssoovveerr
·· bbuuiilltt--iinn eelleeccttrroonniicc ccrroossssoovveerr wwiitthh lliinnee--lleevveell hhiigghh--ppaassss oouutt
⁄⁄44"" TTRRSS aanndd ffeemmaallee XXLLRR lliinnee--lleevveell bbaallaanncceedd iinnppuuttss
·· mmaallee XXLLRR tthhrruu oouuttppuutt
·· ssaatteelllliittee ppoollee ttuunnnneell ffoorr ssppeeaakkeerr ssttaanndd uussee
·· ccoommppaacctt ddiimmeennssiioonnss aanndd rreeaassoonnaabbllee wweeiigghhtt
·· hheeaavvyy--dduuttyy‚‚ iinnsseett hhaannddlleess oonn bbootthh ssiiddeess
·· lloocckkaabbllee ccaasstteerrss
The Peavey Impulse 115P is a powered‚ bridged‚ 3-piece capable speaker system‚ engineered to provide the highest
levels of performance in a compact subwoofer. The unit is loaded with the new‚ extra-high power‚ 15" Low Rider
woofer. Capable of delivering over 128 dB peak SPLs in the bass range‚ this system can pump out an incredible amount
of low end. The Impulse 115P is constructed of premium‚ .720" plywood‚ covered with a tough‚ durable Hammer Head
black‚ textured polyurea coating. A 16 gauge powder-coated perforated metal grill covers the front of the system to
protect the speakers from external damage. The Impulse 115P is designed with a stand mount pole tunnel for ease of
speaker stand use.
Flexibility is designed into the Impulse 115P. The unit can be used strictly as a powered subwoofer‚ with built-in
crossover filtering and high-pass line level output or with the option of driving full-range‚ passive speaker systems from
the Left and Right output jacks.
Balanced inputs for each channel are provided and include: one combo female XLR and 1/4" RTS phone jack; one male
XLR Thru; all connected in parallel. The power amplifiers provide bridged subwoofer output and the Left and Right
speakers outputs are low-distortion units that supply 1500 Watts of peak dynamic power to the subwoofer alone and up
to 750 Watts peak dynamic power to the Left and Right speaker outputs. The amplifiers feature Peavey’s patented DDT
compression which virtually eliminates audible power amplifier clipping. Metal handles on each side provide ease of
transport while locking rear casters allow the unit to be flipped over and rolled around.