MidiLand 747H Speaker System User Manual

1. Press down the tip of the POWER rocker switch with a white "1" on the back of the subwoofer to
turn on the system. The system is then se t in STAND-B Y mod e an d t he indicato r ligh t o n the
MASTER VOL. knob on the front panel w ill t urn r ed .
2 . P r e s s t h e POWER button on the remote control or the STAND-BY button on the front panel
of the subwoofer once, and the system will switch to OPERATING mode and the indicator light
on the
MASTER VOL. will turn green.
3. Press the AC-3, TV, TAPE or the CD/VCD/DVD(2-CH) button to choose the right source of audio
input mode, and its corresponding indicator light will turn green.
4. Rotate the following knobs on the front panel of the subwoofer clockwise to a suitable listening
Or, press the VOLU ME UP and VOLUME DOWN buttons on the remote control to adjust
the volume level of the system:
a)press the VOLUME UP button, andt he M ASTERV OL. k nob o nth efr ont p anelof th esu bwoofer
will turn clockwise and the volume level of the system will be increased.
b)press the VOLUME DOWN button, a ndt he M ASTER V OL. k nob o n t he f ront p anel o f th es ub-
woofer will turn counterclockwise a nd t he volume level of the systemw ill be decreased.
5. Press the MUTE button on the remote control once to turn off the volume of the system , and the
mute indicator light on the front panel of the subwoofer will turn green, To turn on the volume of
the system, press the MUTE button again and the mute indicator light will turn off.
It is recommended that the POWER rocker switch on the back of the subwoofer be turned off and
that the AC power cord be unplugged from the supply when the system is left unused for a long
period of time.
< AC Power >
Make sure that the power supply is correct and never handle the power cord or its plug with wet
hands when plugging into, or unplugging from, a n o utlet.
Ensure that the main power switch is in the "OFF" position before connecting the AC power cord
to the power supply to avoid damage to the system.
A damaged power cord can easily cause an electric shock or fire hazard. Neve r use a powe r cord
after it has been damaged.
Batteries( AAA t ype)