The KOMPONENT 120 loudspeaker can be placed anywhere you find convenient,
but please consider the following points:
For best results, position your KOMPONENT 120 loudspeaker as close as
possible to either your left front or right front loudspeaker. It can be
floor-mounted, shelf-mounted or (using the bracket supplied) wall-
Experimenting with the position may be necessary in order to match the
sound of the KOMPONENT 120 loudspeaker with other loudspeakers in
your system and the acoustics of the room.
Whichever mounting method you employ, ensure that the KOMPONENT 120 is
held or positioned rigidly, in order to ensure that the movement of the drive
units is converted to sound energy, rather than cabinet movement (in the form
of vibration, wobble etc.).
TThhee KKOOMMPPOONNEENNTT 112200 lloouuddssppeeaakkeerr iiss ssuupppplliieedd wwiitthh tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg aacccceessssoorriieess::
mains lead
phono lead
wall-mounting bracket kit
spike kit
set of floor protectors
warranty card
this manual
wall bracket assembly instructions
We recommend that you retain the packaging in case you need to transport the
KOMPONENT 120 loudspeaker at a later date.
Voltage selection
WARNING – Ensure the mains supply is disconnected.
The KOMPONENT 120 is factory-set for a 230 volt mains supply and must not be
connected to a mains supply other than this before it is adjusted for your local
Owner’s Manual
Unpacking, Voltage selection and Positioning
Replacing the fuse in the KOMPONENT 120 speaker
Should the mains fuse blow, replace it only with an equivalent part (see table
below). The fuse holder is located just below the mains inlet socket. To replace
the fuse, disconnect the product from the mains supply, remove the fuse using
a flat blade screwdriver, insert a new fuse. If the fuse blows a second time there
is a fault in the product; contact your local retailer.
FFuussee sseelleeccttiioonn ttaabbllee
100V 125V T6.3AL
115V 125V T6.3AL
230V 250V T3.15AL
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