
Alert [Menu 1-4-3]
• Yes
If you select this menu, your phone will beep when Cell broadcast
message is received.
• No
If you select this menu, your phone will not beep despite Cell
broadcast message is received.
Language [Menu 1-4-4]
You can select the language you want. Then your phone will receive
the cell broadcast message in your chosen language.
Topics(Dependent to network and subscription)
[Menu 1-4-5]
• Add
If you select this menu, you will add the CB message category in
Phone memory with its nickname.
• View list
If you select this menu, you can see CB message category which
you added. If you press [Option], you can edit and delete CB
message category which you added.
• Active list
You can select the CB message category in active list by pressing
Messages [Menu 1]
Accessing the Menu