Lexicon MPX 100 Stereo Amplifier User Manual

Pitch – Delay
Pitch-Delay VARIATIONs Adjust Tap Routing
1 5th Up/Down - Stereo Quarter-Note ± 5th Delay Time
2 Octave Up/Down - Triplet Shuffle ± 1 octave Delay Time
3 Octave Up/Down - Eighth and Triplet ± 1 octave Delay Time
4 3rd Up/4th Up - Ping Pong Quarter-Note Minor 3rd to 4th Up Delay Time
5 4th Up/5th Up - Triplet Rhythm 1 4th to 5th Up Delay Time
6 5th Up/6th Up - Triplet Rhythm 2 5th to 6th Up Delay Time
7 Octave Up/Down > Triplet Rhythm 1 ± 1 octave Delay Time
8 5th Up/Down > Triplet Rhythm 2 ± 5th Delay Time
9 Major/Minor Minor/Major 3rd w/Feedback Delay Time
10 Intervals Up Ascending Intervals w/Feedback Delay Time
11 5th Up/Down + Stereo Quarter-Note ± 5th Delay Time
12 Octave Up/Down + Triplet Shuffle ± 1 octave Delay Time
13 4th Up/5th Up + Triplet Rhythm 1 4th to 5th Up Delay Time
14 5th Up/6th Up + Triplet Rhythm 2 5th to 6th Up Delay Time
15 Octave Up/Down / Mono Quarter-Note ± 1 octave Delay Time
16 Octave Up/Down / Triplet Shuffle ± 1 octave Delay Time