Krell Industries MDA-300/500 Stereo Amplifier User Manual

Q. Should I leave the MDA-300/500 on at all times?
A. Although you could leave the MDA-300/500 on at all
times without fear of damage to the amplifier, we recom-
mend. 30 minutes of warm-up before critical listening and
switching the amplifier off when not in use.
When Ipush the power button on the front of the
DA-300/-500, the amplifier doesn’t turn on. What
should I c[o?
A. Unplug the amplifier from the AC receptacle and
remove the input from the amplifier. Check the output
connections, then plugthe amplifier back in. Checl~ the
circuit breaker on the-back of the unit and reset it if nec-
essary. Push the power button on the front panel. If the
problem persists, unplug the unit and call your dealer or
Krell industries.
Q. When I turn the amplifier on there is a loud hum
through the speakers. There was never a hum before the
MDA-300/500 was in the system. What should I do?
A. Often when a new component is introduced into an
audio system a hum may 15ec.ome present. This is often
caused by_ a ground loop in tlae system. _Try putting a 3
prong to 2 prong AC adaptor (cheate.r plug) on the
power cord, lifting the ground from the unit. This sho.uld
make the hum disappear. If not, try another adaptor else-
where in the system.
NOTE: Always keep one major audio component
NOTE: Even though the ground is lifted from the power
amplifier, it .is still gr~ou.nded via the interconnect cables
throughout the rest ot tt~e system.
Q. Can I use special audio power c~rds on the MDA-300
or MDA’500?
A. You can experiment with special power cords as long
as they are grounded on both ends and meet the
amplifier’s I5 amp power requirement.