Thank You
By purchasing the Zen Triode Select ampli-
fier you have illustrated a desire to rise past
the normal hi-end hype and own a truly ex-
ceptional piece. It is a product based on the
old school way of doing things when it was
fashionable to push quality to an art form.
Your amplifier was hand-built by the very
best artisans who have perfected the craft
through the experience of building well over
one thousand amplifiers, each one at a time.
Please Take a Moment
The serial number and date of your amplifier
are recorded on the bottom of the amplifier.
These are important to keep on the amplifier
for identification purposes. You may need
them for insurance claim or future service.
Please use the spaces below to record this
information for safe keeping.
Serial Number:
Purchase Date:
Model Number:
Technical Assistance
You can reach technical assistance by simply
contacting Decware directly. You can also e-
mail us directly from our web site at
www.decware.com Please feel free express
any questions you may have about your pur-
chase or how it can be best utilized in your
present system. You can also find help on-
line in our support forums on decware.com
Decware / High Fidelity Engineering Co.
1202 N.E. Adams St.
Peoria, IL 61603
Phone: (309) 671 2428
Fax: (309) 672-1060
Table of Contents
Safety Instructions........................ 2
Thank You.................................... 3
Technical Assistance...................... 3
Table of Contents.......................... 3
Important Information.................... 4
Connector Information.................... 4
Fuse Location / Information............. 4
WARNING..................................... 4
Output tube warning...................... 5
Other output tube information......... 5
Tube life..................................... 5
Input tube information................... 6
Rectifier tube information............... 6
Where everything goes.................. 7
Introduction................................ 7
Performance features.................... 7
Dimensions.................................. 8
Placement................................... 8
Heat Output................................ 8
Stereo / Mono operation................ 9
How to Operate........................... 9
Burn-in Process............................ 9
Specifications.............................. 10
Schematic.................................. 11