Kimber Kable PowerKordsTM Stereo System User Manual

Introduction to PowerKords™
Music in Harmony with Science
The notion of power cables offering improved system performance has become a hotly debated topic. The
interaction between a power cable and a component has often been misunderstood or dismissed. Research
and experience have shown us that this interaction should not be underestimated. A power cord has direct
correlation to the musical signal. By utilizing our OSCaR™ Objective Subjective Correlation and Results
engineering process we have been able to correlate just how significant the role of a power cable is to system
performance. The improvements obtained by our PowerKord™ products in terms of sound and/or video
performance are in parity with the improvements that can be obtained by high quality speaker cables or
interconnects. In other words, we highly recommend you experience the wonderful improvements of our
PowerKords™ for yourself.
KIMBER KABLE PowerKord™ products achieve their remarkable performance through close observance to
fundamental technical realities as well as innovative approaches to obtaining highly sought-after parameters.
Of particular note are the outstanding Palladian™ PowerKords™ which incorporate a breakthrough SWR
enhancement technology that allows for the cleanest, clearest and most grain free sound ever permitted by a
power cable.