● SUB CIRCUIT UNIT (X16-2080-10)
Ref No. Application / Functions Operation / Condition / Compatibility
IC1 E2PROM E2PROM for security
● DISPLAY UNIT (X16-2530-11)
Ref No. Application / Functions Operation / Condition / Compatibility
IC1 Panel microprocessor Panel control microprocessor
IC2 ROM IC Graphic ROM
IC4 AVR For 3.3V power supply
IC5 AVR For 2.5V power supply
IC6 Buffer IC Level shift buffer IC (5V→3.3V)
IC7 Buffer IC Level shift buffer IC (3.3V→5V)
IC8 Remote control IC For Remote control sensor
IC9 Logic IC Control for FL contrast
IC10 Analog IC Spectrum analyzer IC
Q1 3.3V Regulator While PAN5V is applied when 3.3V regulator output is +3.3V
Q2 2.5V Regulator While PAN5V is applied when 2.5V regulator output is +2.5V
Q3,4 FL +B SW FL +B (VDD1) is turned on when Q3 base level goes H
Q5 3.3V SW SW3.3V is turned on when Q5 base level goes L
Q6,200 FL 3.3V SW FL +3.3V (VDD1) is turned on when Q200 base level goes H
Q7,8 Remote control ON SW The power supply of IC8, 10 is turned on when Q10 base level goes H
Q9 FL BLK SW VFD is turned on when Q9 base level goes H
Q11 Red LED SW Red LED is turned on when Q11 base level goes H
● SWITCH UNIT (X16-2560-10)
Ref No. Application / Functions Operation / Condition / Compatibility
Q1 DSI LED SW DSI LED blinks when Q1 base level goes H/L
Q2 KEY Illumination SW (Green) KEY Illumination SW “ON” when the Q2 base level goes H
Q3 KEY Illumination SW (Red) KEY Illumination SW “ON” when the Q3 base level goes H
Q4 KEY Illumination SW (Blue) KEY Illumination SW “ON” when the Q4 base level goes H
● CD PLAYER UNIT (X32-5540-00)
Ref No. Application / Functions Operation / Condition / Compatibility
IC1 Mechanism control microprocessor -
IC2 DSP CD signal processor, RF amp, Servo control
IC3 Decoder IC MP3/WMA decoder
IC4 BTL driver Focus, Tracking coil, Feed and Spindle motor driver IC
IC8 Selector IC Serial audio data selector