1. POLARITY Button – This push button allows you to choose between 0° (Normal) or 180° (Inverse Polarity).
The correct polarity setting will produce the best blend between the subwoofer and the full-range speaker and
the strongest perceived bass response at the listening position. If the bass response seems weak, try
inverting the polarity.
2. PASS THRU Button – This push button determines whether the signal coming out of the THRU connector
is unaltered (FULL RANGE) or has a high-pass lter (HI PASS) applied to it. If HI PASS is selected, a 120Hz
24dB/Octave high-pass lter is applied to the signal coming out of the THRU connector. Engaging the high-
pass lter allows for a smooth transition between the subwoofer and full-range speaker that is connected to
the output connector.
3. PWR/STBY LED – This LED illuminates when the “Power Switch” has been turned to the on position. It will
illuminate BLUE when the system has power and is ready to pass audio. It will illuminate RED when the
system is in power save mode and not passing audio.
4. FRONT LED – This push button allows you to turn on/off the Power LED on the front of the speaker. The
front LED will illuminate BLUE when the system has power and is ready to pass audio. When the front LED
turn RED that means the system is in power save mode and not passing audio.
5. SIGNAL Indicator – There is one GREEN LED that will illuminate when signal is present.
6. LIMIT Indicator – There is one YELLOW LED indicator that will illuminate when peak output has been
reached and the DSP limiter is acting.
7. GAIN Knob – This gain knob is for setting the input level. The 12 o’clock position is a good starting point for
most uses. Once the full-range system has been connected the level can be varied to match and deliver the
desired balance.
8. XLR Inputs – Female balanced XLR and 1/4 inch phone jack combo input connectors.
9. THRU Connectors – Male balanced XLR output connector. This connector provides a FULL RANGE or HI
PASS signal depending on the setting of the PASS THRU button. In addition to connecting a full-range
system to the output, it’s also possible to daisy chain subwoofers together.