Signal sounds distorted even Mixer or other source is overdriven Review the Owner’s Manual
at moderate volumes, PEAK for your mixer and adjust
light is not lit. controls as needed
• Input sensitivity (gain)
• Channel faders
• Master faders
Hum or Buzz that increases Improper A/C ground or faulty Disconnect or mute
or decreases when the mixer equipment connected to mixer channels one at a time to
level controls are moved. input isolate the problem. Refer
to the owner’s manual of the
faulty equipment for
troubleshooting help.
Faulty cable between source Substitute a known-good
equipment and mixer cable for the suspected
faulty cable.
Hum or Buzz Improper A/C grounding, ground • Connect all speakers to a
loops common power circuit.
• “Telescope” the audio
ground by using an XLR/F
to XLR/M adapter with
Pin1 disconnected on one
• Re-route audio cables
away from AC power and
lighting cables.
Excessively long unbalanced cable • Use the balanced outputs
run (if available) of your mixer
or source equipment to
drive your EON speakers.
• Use a “DI” (direct injection)
box to convert your unbal-
anced equipment output
to a balanced output.
Improper system gain structure Reduce the INPUT 1, LINE
2, and LINE 3 controls and
increase the output level of
your source devices.
Speakers feedback and howl Microphones are pointed into the Move the speakers so they
when the microphone volume speakers do not point into the micro-
is turned up phone’s pick-up pattern.
Equalizer settings are incorrect Locate the feedback fre
quency and reduce it using
the mixer EQ or an external
Excessive gain Reduce the gain at the
mixer and move the micro-
phone closer to the sound