. Tuningthe Stations
: 1.PressON to turn on the radio.
. 2. Slide the FM/AM switch to the desired
. broadcast band.
: 3. Turn the TUNING knob to select a
. station.
4. PressOFFto turn off the radio.
. Built-InAFC
: The Built In Automatic Frequency Control
. (AFC)works only on FM. It helps reducing
. drift on FM reception and keeping the
: radio locked in on the FM station to which
. it istuned.
. When tuning in FM stations, you may
. notice that the station you are tuning can
be well-tuned on two or three nearby
points on the dial. Always tune carefully
. at the loudest and clearest point.
AM Antenna -A built-in ferrite rod
antenna eliminates the need for an out-
side antenna for AM reception. Rotating.
the unit slightly may improve the recep- .
tion of distant AM stations.
FM antenna -The power cord acts asyour'
FM antenna. It picks up moderate to .
strong stations and eliminates the need for:
an external antenna in most strong signal'
areas. Besure the power cord isstretched'
to its full length. Do not coil or bunch the:
cord together. Changing position of the'
power cord may improve reception.
Youmaytry to movethe powercord
order to improveth~ reception.
4"""""""""""""""""""""""" .
. Listening to compact disc
1. Lift to open the CDcompartment door.
: 2. Insert a disc and close the door.
. 3. PressPLAY/PAUSE 1>00.
4. Adjust volume to your desired level.
5.PressREVc:::::JorFWD[::::;:Ito skip back-
: ward and forward.
. 6. PressSTOP to stop CD playback.
. Note:
. When there is no disc inthe CD
compartment, "nd" will show on display.
Selecting play mode
1.Start CD playback.
2. During playback, press CD MODE to .
toggle between different play mode.
REPEATONE C- repeatthe currenttrack. :
REPEATALLC :>-repeatthewhole disc. .
SHUFFLE@ - play tracks randomly.
track repeatedly.
' .